Category Archives: S.I.C

I feel like I’ve hit the ceiling…

Kinda feel like I’ve hit the ceiling as far as photography goes…

Probably need to go visit my 师傅 to 指点指点一下…

S.I.C Gattack

Two-pack that comes with Dark Kabuto

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S.I.C Dark Kabuto

Feel that this particular quote fits very well here…

“Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” – Mark Twain

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New stuff

Well, enough of the emo stuff for a while.

Just went on a massive buying spree…

S.I.C KT Blade King Form

S.I.C Dark Kabuto and Gattack

M.A.S.K Rhino, Manta, Stinger, Buzzard and Wildcat.

Rhino’s got lotsa chrome wear, but all the mechanisms are working damn spiffy for something it’s age.

Manta’s bonnet mechanism is slightly off… but I guess it’s repairable.

Wildcat’s got a broken front grille… I’m gonna see how I can repair/fix that, or if I just get a new body for it since the body is pretty cheap anyways and everything else is in fine working order…

Pictures… will probably get posted when I have the time to take some photos for them…

S.I.C Kabuto


Some preliminary shots

Had some time to myself tonight, so I whipped out the camera and took some quick snaps of my latest buys

SHF Gattack


S.I.C Kabuto

S.I.C Hyper Kabuto

Somehow, the thumbnails look damn pixelated and horrible, so just click on the pics to view em…

New Buys from this week

Finally managed to obtain SHF KR Ixa and SIC KR Kabuto this week!!!!!! Happiness~~

Most of the major assignments are over, only left with a few mid term tests and 2 major essays due after the CNY week. At least there’s some time for a short breather. My energy levels are getting dangerously low and I really need a recharge for my physical, mental and emotional energy levels.

Dang, I’m darn broke, right before the New Year of all things…

Pictures coming up next week, this weekend is going to be super hectic for me so I probably won’t have time to do a photoshoot for these 2 pieces, especially for Kabuto since there’s like 3 changable forms, Rider mode, Hyper mode and Final Attack Ride mode.

Ixa only has a simple head change from Save mode to Burst mode, though I really prefer the Save mode to the Burst mode, it looks so much more… kinght-ish and paladine-ish. Burst mode looks plain butt ugly

S.I.C Garo Series

The last of the SIC series that I got during my SIC craze phase. Garo was a pretty cool series and the SIC figures of it were damn cool to boot and it came with life sized replicas of certain accessories that the characters wore in the show. These were going for a premium when they just debut and are now pretty much being dumped at ridiculously low prices… QC wise also not very ideal, certain joints being prone to breakage for no reason at all… Can’t remember when these pics were taken, but it’s been years since I last dug them out, in 2006 if I remember correctly.

Weapon here was taken from Vol 4 cause I used the original sword for Vol 7

Weapon here was taken from Vol 4 cause I used the original sword for Vol 7

Vol 3 Zero

Vol 4 Garo & Gouten

Vol 5 Beserker Garo

Vol 6 Kiba

The wings are so bl**dy heavy and limited in articulation that those nice 'winged' poses can't really be achieved...

The wings are so bl**dy heavy and limited in articulation that those nice 'winged' poses can't really be achieved...

S.I.C Kamen Rider Hibiki series

Yet another SIC series, this time focusing on Hibiki. Especially like the whole oni theme with musical instruments as weapons. Too bad I didn’t manage to get the limited edition 3 figure pack which contained one who used a trombone as a weapon… (T-T)

As with the Blade series, the first pic is pretty recent and the rest were all taken with a PnS camera years back


Hibiki 2

Hibiki Souko



Disc Animals

S.I.C Kamen Rider Blade series

Just some pictures from the S.I.C line featuring the KR Blade riders. First pic is pretty recent. The rest were taken with a PnS camera way before I got my current DSLR.

KR Blade King Form

KR Blade

KR Blade Jack Form

KR Chalice

KR Chalice Joker Form

KR Garren

KR Leangle